Workflow assignment of approval reviewers


One or more users and members of a user group can be preassigned as reviewers by the workflow on a transition into the workflow state containing the approval.

Users can be pre-assigned as reviewers when the approval reviewer setting is Users can be assigned through the UI (in the workflow popup on the page).

cdmc_wf_builder_users assignable_preasigned_users_usergrpoup.png

At least one user must be added in the approval editor to pre-assign as a reviewer when the approval reviewer setting is Set all reviewers that have to approve.


Workflow assigned reviewers

Users can be preassigned to an approval by editing the approval in the workflow visual builder. The users are assigned on the transition into the state

An approval can be configured to pre-assign users as reviewers when the approval Reviewers setting is either

Users can be assigned through UI - automatically assign reviewers

When the approval is set as Users can be assigned through UI - any preassigned reviewers can be manually unassigned in the workflow popup.

For further information see Reviewer approval settings - Users can be assigned through UI.

Set all reviewers that have to approve - automatically assign reviewers

For the setting Set all reviewers that have to approve - preassigned users must undertake the approval and cannot be unassigned in the workflow popup

When the approval setting is Set all reviewers that have to approve

  • all reviewers must undertake the approval and agree on the approval decision for the approval to be complete

  • reviewer decisions are appended to the user avatar in the workflow popup

  • a user can amend an approval decision until the approval is complete

When the Minimum approvals value is set, the approval is set as complete when

  • the Minimum approvals number of decisions that agree are made

To avoid blocks in a process, if an approval decision is not critical, add multiple preassigned reviewers and set the Minimum approvals=1. This requires only a single reviewer decision to complete the approval.

If there are more preassigned reviewers than the Minimum approvals required, the additional assigned reviewers are not required to undertake the approval.

For example, an approval configured with Minimum approvals = 2 is not set as complete if

  • there are 4 preassigned reviewers

  • 2 reviewers have a current Approve decision

  • one reviewer has a current Reject decision

Further details: Approval reviewer settings - Set all reviewers that have to approve.

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