Add and edit state transitions in workflow builder

Add and edit state transitions in workflow builder


In workflow builder, you can use the state editor in the workflow panel to edit each state and add and edit transitions.

The number of current transitions from the state is displayed.

Choose Transitions (or +Transitions button in the navigator panel) to view and edit the existing transitions or add any new transitions for the state 

Use the dropdown menus to choose:

  • the type of transition

  • the destination state for the transition

The approval transitions, Approved and Rejected are only available after an approval has been added to the state.

Only one of each type of transition is allowed from a state.

A Select transition cannot be used in the same state as an approval (Approved and/or Rejected transition)

Default transition

A new state will have the default transition that allows a user on the page to select any other state in the workflow as the destination state.

The transitions editor will display no transition type or destination state for the default any state transition.

In a state with no approval added, you can add one of each of the select, updated, or expired transitions.

If an approval is added to a state, you can only add one of each of the approved, rejected, updated, or expired transitions.