Edit the workflow in workflow builder

Edit the workflow in workflow builder

You can use workflow builder to edit the name and description of an existing custom workflow.


You can duplicate an existing bundled workflow to create a new custom workflow. Then, you can edit it in the workflow visual builder and the code editor.

Editing the workflow

In the app space settings

  • open the workflow builder visual editor

Open the workflow editor by

  • selecting the workflow name in the workflow panel and clicking the pencil icon

  • edit the name and the workflow description

  • choose Apply to save the changes in the workflow panel.

  • select Save in the navigator panel to update the workflow in the workflow builder and the app space settings

Workflow states are added and edited using the state editor, including options to add or edit an approval and add or edit the state transitions.

  • choose Exit to view the workflow in the app space settings

The Parameters option is only displayed when a workflow is active.

Custom workflows in the Add Workflow picker

A new custom workflow is added as an option to add as a page workflow in the space and displayed in the Add workflow picker.

The custom workflow is only available in the current space. To add the workflow to another space, you can copy the workflow template JSON code using the code editor.

Removing a custom workflow

You can delete a custom workflow from the space by choosing the Remove icon in the Actions menu in the app space settings.

You need to confirm the deletion of the custom workflow, as this cannot be undone.

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