Set list properties

List properties

List properties include

  • list name

  • maximum list rows displayed

  • list display justification

  • list sort type

  • page template to use when creating a new list page

Set list properties

To set list properties

  • open the Edit List window

  • select the Properties tab

  • edit each list property

  • Save

List properties options

  • Name

    • the name that appears at the top of the list on a page

  • Maximum Rows

    • the maximum number of list rows shown on a page

The user can click More to expand the list of rows.

  • Display

    • check Justified to left justify the list on the page

List is centered if left unchecked.

  • Sort by

    • select the list sort option each time the list is opened on a page

      • Modified Date (default)

      • Page Title

      • Creation Date

      • Descending

      • Ascending

  • New page template

    • select the template used when creating new pages from within the list

The templates available are global and space templates.

  • choose Save

Boards List editor