Set list filters

List filters

You can define criteria to filter the content that is included in the list.

The default list is to display the child page content for the current page.

Filters can be specified to choose content for a particular space and parent page. A label filter can also be applied.

Set list filters

To set list filters

  • open the Edit List window

  • select the Filter tab

  • set filters for the content for the list by

    • space

    • parent

    • content label

    • and search depth if a parent page is specified

  • Save

  • Labels

    • pages with all matching labels (and condition) appear on the list

  • Space

    • pages in this space only can appear on the list

    • use '@all' to display pages from all spaces

  • Parent

    • the parent page

All child pages appear on the list.

  • Search Depth

    • limits the depth of the page tree if a parent page is specified

Boards List editor