Comala Publishing users

User roles in publishing, copying and snapshot publishing

User roles



Global administrators

space publishing

copy space

snapshot publishing


Can configure globally for the app

  • global groups permission (Publishers Group, Copiers Group and Collection Managers) whose members can configure their space to publish content, copy content or snapshot a Confluence document

  • the publishable spaces for

Space administrators

space publishing

copy space

snapshot publishing

Require global app permissions (be member of user group added to app global Publishers Group, Copiers Group or Collection Managers group) to

A collection manager can add other space administrators (with global snapshot publishing permission) as contributors to their collection(s). This then allows the collection to be linked to other spaces and snapshots added from these spaces)

Content editors

Space Publishing- Publish SIngle Page

In the source space, a user with Confluence view and edit permission in both the source and target (published space)

  • can publish a single page using the Publish button

  • can toggle between the source space page and published space page

Single page publishing Publish button is only displayed when single page publishing is enabled for the space.

Content editors

SNAPSHOT Publishing

Who have been added as a contributor to one or more snapshot collections

  • can add a static versioned snapshot of a Confluence document to the collection

If the space has been enabled for Snapshot Publishing and the collection has been linked to the space by the space admin.

Confluence users

SNAPSHOT Publishing

Who have been added as viewer of one or more named collections

  • can view snapshot documents added to the collection irrespective of their permissions on the source Confluence document using the collections global viewer

If you use the app together with a member of the Comala Document Management family of applications the publishing action and the creation of a snapshot document can be linked to a Comala workflow trigger action.

Related pages

Comala Publishing configuration

Snapshot Publishing users