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JSON Trigger actions

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One or more trigger actions can be set for a named event in the workflow.When the workflow event occurs the trigger will check that any required condition is met, and if met the action(s) will occur.


A list of actions to perform once the event has occurred and the conditions are fulfilled. A single trigger may include one or more actions.

Triggers can be added to a workflow using workflow builder.

workflow builder visual editor - edit workflow panel with trigger added
	{"event": "on-change-state",
			{"state": "Rejected"} ],
			{"action":"set-message", "type":"info", "title":"Hey My Wonderful design and Tech Team", "body":"We have some work to do ... it was rejected!!!"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers:" JSON markup notation, since it will be added automatically by workflow builder.

If the action includes a "user" parameter, the users can only be added using the userId. The "group" parameter value can be added as either groupId or groupName. Both the "user" and the "group" parameters accept workflow parameters.


The trigger action "change-state" causes a change of the state to the specified state if the provided parameters are valid.

  • action (change-state)

  • state (string) ❗️ State to move into

❗️ indicates a mandatory parameter - the "state" parameter and its value for the destination state must be added for the trigger action

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "change-state",
			"state": "Review"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

 The destination state must be included for the "change-state" action.


Publishes a single page to a different space using Comala Publishing for Cloud app.

  • action (publish-page)

This trigger action is only available when Comala Publishing Cloud is installed and the current space has been enabled as a draft source space for publishing to a target space.

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "publish-page"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

On the state change event the publish-page action macro publishes the content to the target space.


The Comala Publishing breadcrumb is updated on the draft page header.


The publishing breadcrumb on the target space page is also be updated.

The target space for publishing the page is configured in the Comala Publishing space settings. Publishing may also occur based on the configuration of the Comala Publishing app.


The trigger action "approve"sets an approved decision for a named approval if the provided parameters are valid.

  • action (approve

  • approval (string) Name of the Approval to be approved. If not specified, default approval will be used

  • user (string) Atlassian userID of the approver

A user must be defined in the trigger action for the approve action to take place.

† If no approval is specified in the trigger action, the default approval is the approval in the state named in the trigger event condition. If there are multiple approvals in the state, the default approval is the first approval listed in the JSON markup.

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "approve",
			"approval": "Sign-off",

 If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

The Atlassian user Identification Number (userId) is visible in the URL when viewing the User Profile.



The trigger action "reject" sets a rejected decision for a named approval if the provided parameters are valid.

  • action (reject

  • approval (string) Name of the approval to be rejected. If not specified, default approval is used

  • user (string)  Atlassian userID of the rejector

A user must be defined in the trigger action for the reject action to take place.

If a named "approval" is not specified in the trigger action, the action uses the default approval in the workflow.

The default approval is the approval in the state named in the trigger event condition. If there are multiple approvals in the state, the default approval is the first approval listed in the JSON markup.

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "reject",
			"approval": "Sign-off",

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

The Atlassian user Identification Number (userId) is visible in the URL when viewing the User Profile.


"assign" and "unassign"

The trigger action "assign" assigns a user to a named approval.

  • action (assign

  • approval (string) Name of the Approval to assign

If not specified, the default approval is used

  • comment (string) Comment for the assignation operation

  • assigner (string) Atlassian  userID from the assigner

  • user (string) ❗️ Atlassian userID for the assignee

  • group (string) Atlassian groupID or groupName for assignees

❗️ Mandatory parameters

  • the assignee "user" parameter value must be specified with at least one user unless you instead specify at least one group using the "group" parameter

If no approval is specified in the trigger action, the default approval is the approval in the state named in the trigger event condition.
If there are multiple approvals in the state, the default approval is the first approval listed in the JSON markup for the state.

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "assign",
			"approval": "Triagereview",
			"user": "5d52a37ef0f22a0da2d6f070"
			"group": "qa_reviewers"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

To assign members of a Confluence group as reviewers instead of a single user use the "group" parameter, for example "group":"qa_reviewers" where "qa_reviewers" is a Confluence group name.

The "group" parameter can use both the groupID and the Confluence groupName.

At least one assignee must be specified - either a user or a group or one of each

The Atlassian user Identification Number (userId) is visible in the URL when viewing the User Profile.


Only one user and/or one group can be assigned in a single "assign" action. You cannot add multiple values for the "user" or "group".

The trigger action "unassign" removes a user or members of a Confluence group from a named approval.


"set-expiration" sets an expiry period for a state.

  • action (set-expiration)

  • dueDate (string) ❗️ Due date in format ISO 8601

❗️ indicates a mandatory parameter -  a "dueDate" parameter value must be specified

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "set-expiration",
			"dueDate": "P6M"}

 If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

The "dueDate" period is set using ISO 8601 format. For example "P6M3W5D" will be 6 months, 3 weeks and 5 days from the date of transition into the state. This overrides any existing expiration periods.

An existing expiration period can be removed using the "clear-expiration" action.


The "clear-expiration" action removes an existing workflow state expiration period.

  • action (clear-expiration )

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "clear-expiration"}

 If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

 A new expiration date can be added using the "set-expiration" trigger action.


The trigger action "set-message" creates a message notification and can include a message title and a body.

Can be set as info, warning or error and set to auto-close after a specified period or require user acknowledgement.

  • action (set-message

  • type (enum) ❗️ Indicator of the level of the message

    • info

    • warning

    • error

  • title (string) For adding a title to the message

  • body (string) ❗️ For adding content for the body of the message

  • tags (enum).  is used as a tag for the message to record the current state when the action occurred.

    • state

  • mode (enum) Message mode

    • ack (default)

      • a user must acknowledge message to close it

    • autoClose

      • disappears after 10s

❗️ indicates a mandatory parameter -  the set-message "type" parameter value  and the "body" parameter value are required

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "set-message",
			"type": "info",
			"title": "Stale content",
			"body": "Content may be out of date",
			"tags": "state",
			"mode": "autoClose"}

 If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

The above trigger listens for a state change event to the Expired state and displays an on-screen message notification on the change of state.


If the "set-messsage" action parameter is "type":"warning" the displayed notification is


If the "set-messsage" action parameter is "type":"error" the displayed notification is


All messages can be removed using the "clean-messages" trigger action.

Custom email notifications can be sent using the "send-email" trigger action.


The "clean-messages" action removes all messages (set by a “set-message" trigger action) on the content.

  • action (clean-messages

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "clean-messages"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

 A message can be set using the "set-message" trigger action.


The trigger action  "remove-restrictions" removes content view and edit restrictions for all users/groups.

  • action (remove-restrictions

  • contentId (string) The content id of the page to remove page-level restrictions (if missing, the current page id will be used)

A typical use is to use this trigger action to remove all view and edit restrictions from the final state in a workflow.

	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"action": "remove-restrictions"}

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

Space admins can configure a space workflow in the space tools Document Management dashboard to remove all page level restrictions on transition to the workflow final state.

Only 'Confluence Cloud Standard, Premium and Enterprise Plans' enable Atlassian Confluence users to edit permissions, including global, space, and page permissions.


The trigger action "send-email" sends a custom email to one or more specified recipients. 

  • action (send-email)

  • recipients (array) ❗️Recipients to send the email to (at least one recipient value must be added).
    A comma separated list of one or more recipients is added using:

    • one or more Email addresses

    • one or more user objects by specifying the Atlassian userIDs

    • one or more group objects by specifying Atlassian groupIDs or the Atlassian groupNames‡‡

    • one or more user type parameters (see workflow parameter references)

    • one or more group type parameters (see workflow parameter references)

    • One or more of the following value references can also be added as a value for the "send-email" action "recipients"

      • @watchers

      • @lastUpdatedBy

      • @creator

@watchers refers to the watchers set at a document level, not including the watchers of the space.

  • notification (object) ❗️ Notification holder.
    You must include at least an email "subject" and "body" as a comma-separated list within curly brackets. The "title" is optional.
    You can embed any of the following as part of the notification text: ${content.title} | ${} | ${}) as values in any of the following parameters

    • "subject"

    • "title"

    • "body"

❗️Mandatory parameters

  • at least one value for "recipients" must be specified

  • the "notification" holder must include at least one of "subject", "title", or "body"

Each Confluence user must be specified individually using {"user":"userID"}. Add multiple Confluence users in a comma-separated list {"user":"userID_One"},{"user":"userID_Two"}, ...

‡  & ‡‡ Each Confluence group must be specified individually using {"group":"groupID"} and/or {"group":"groupName"}. Add multiple Confluence groups in a comma-separated list {"group":"groupID_One"},{"group":"groupID_Two"},{"group":"groupName_Users1"},{"group":"groupName_Users2"}, ...

  {"event": "on-change-state",
      {"state": "Review"}
      {"action": "send-email",
          {"user": "user_ID_1"},
          {"user": "user_ID_2"},
          {"group": "group_ID_1"},
          {"group": "group_ID_2"},
          {"group": "group_Name_1"},
          {"group": "group_Name_2"}
        {"subject": "${content.title} is In Review State",
          "title": "${content.title} is In Review State",
          "body": "Hello, ${} in the ${} space is in review state."

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, it is added automatically by workflow builder.

On-screen notification messages can be created using the "set-message" trigger action.

Workflow trigger-generated email 'failure to send' errors are included in the Confluence log.

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