Trigger conditions


One or more "conditions" can be set for a trigger event in the workflow.

When the named workflow event occurs, the trigger checks that any required condition is met and sets one or more actions.


Adding a condition to a workflow trigger is optional.

However, when you add a condition to the trigger, it becomes a requirement for the trigger to execute the specified action(s).

The available conditions are

  • state - "conditions":[{"state": "(string value)"}]

  • final - "conditions":[{"final":true}] or “conditions":[{"final":false}]

  • initial -"conditions":[{"initial":true}] or "conditions":[{"initial":false}]

The "initial" condition can be constrained to a named state in the workflow using the "state" condition.

Boolean condition values true and false are added in the code editor WITHOUT encompassing quotation marks, for example, "final":true and "final":false.

Trigger conditions

For example, in the example trigger below, the state condition constrains the trigger to the change of state to the Rejected state.

"triggers:" [ {"event": "on-change-state", "conditions": [ {"state": "Rejected"} ], "actions": [ {"action":"set-message", "type":"info", "title":"Hey My Wonderful design and Tech Team", "body":"We have some work to do ... it was rejected!!!"} ] } ]

A space administrator can use the visual editor or the code editor to add one or more triggers to a workflow.

The workflow trigger listens for a single selected event. You can constrain this by adding an optional condition from a dropdown menu.