TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted | How to obtain Support Package

In some cases, TFS4JIRA support team may ask users to provide a ‘Support Package’ from self-hosted TFS4JIRA, in order to better understand reported problem.

'Support Package' contains:

  • current TFS4JIRA configuration (tokens and passwords are not present and sent in the package)

  • all available logs generated by TFS4JIRA (no other logs, for example, windows event logs, are fetched)


Please proceed with the below steps in order to obtain requested 'Support Package'

  1. Login to your TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted configuration site (default, local address: http://localhost/tfs-jira-synchronizer)

  2. Once logged in please go to the LOG section

  3. In LOG section please point your attention to the bottom of the page. Using log lever dropdown please change the value to DEBUG

  4. If possible, please repeat the action leading to the reported problem, so that the displayed error/failure is registered in the latest log entry.

  5. Once completed please return to LOG section and change the log level back to INFO

  6. On the same page please click the link named: Export support package (it is next to the log level dropdown)

  7. ZIP file called support-files-<date-time>.zip will be created and saved.

    1. saving location depends on your browser setting, it may automatically place the file in a designated folder (for example download) or ask you to choose location.

  8. Please attach this file to the same email thread that is used to communicate with TFS4JIRA support