send-email trigger action


When the workflow trigger event occurs the trigger checks that any required conditions are met, and if met the "send-email" action sends an email to one or more specified recipients.

One or more trigger actions can be set for a named event in the workflow.


The trigger action "send-email" sends a custom email to one or more specified recipients. 

  • action (send-email)

  • recipients (array) ❗️Recipients to send the email to (at least one recipient value must be added).
    A comma separated list of one or more recipients is added using:

    • one or more Email addresses

    • one or more user objects by specifying the Atlassian userIDs

    • one or more group objects by specifying Atlassian groupIDs or the Atlassian groupNames‡‡

    • one or more user type parameters (see workflow parameter references)

    • one or more group type parameters (see workflow parameter references)

    • One or more of the following value references can also be added as a value for the "send-email" action "recipients"

      • @watchers

      • @lastUpdatedBy

      • @creator

@watchers refers to the watchers set at a document level, not including the watchers of the space.

  • notification (object) ❗️ Notification holder.
    You must include at least an email "subject" and "body" as a comma-separated list within curly brackets. The "title" is optional.
    You can embed any of the following as part of the notification text: ${content.title} | ${} | ${}) as values in any of the following parameters

    • "subject"

    • "title"

    • "body"

❗️Mandatory parameters

  • at least one value for "recipients" must be specified

  • the "notification" holder must include at least one of "subject", "title", or "body"

Each Confluence user must be specified individually using {"user":"userID"}. Add multiple Confluence users in a comma-separated list {"user":"userID_One"},{"user":"userID_Two"}, ...

‡  & ‡‡ Each Confluence group must be specified individually using {"group":"groupID"} and/or {"group":"groupName"}. Add multiple Confluence groups in a comma-separated list {"group":"groupID_One"},{"group":"groupID_Two"},{"group":"groupName_Users1"},{"group":"groupName_Users2"}, ...

"triggers": [ {"event": "on-change-state", "conditions": [ {"state": "Review"} ], "actions": [ {"action": "send-email", "recipients": [ "@creator", "@watchers", "@lastUpdatedBy", "@user_type_parameter_1@", "@user_type_parameter_2@", "@group_type_parameter_1@", "@group_type_parameter_2@", "", "", {"user": "user_ID_1"}, {"user": "user_ID_2"}, {"group": "group_ID_1"}, {"group": "group_ID_2"}, {"group": "group_Name_1"}, {"group": "group_Name_2"} ], "notification": {"subject": "${content.title} is In Review State", "title": "${content.title} is In Review State", "body": "Hello, ${} in the ${} space is in review state." } } ] } ]


Trigger actions

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