Page Tools Menu - Add Page Workflow

Add Page Workflow

Use this option to add a workflow to an individual page or blog post.

This option is only available when

A user choosing Add Page Workflow option sees the option Apply only to page "pagename"

 Only a user with space admin permission is able to apply the workflow to all the pages in the space (and this option is not displayed to a user with only edit permission).

Choose the Apply only to page... option to open the Add workflow picker.

  • there is an option to View Detail to inspect the workflow as a visual flowchart

Click to highlight and select the required workflow in the picker.

Choose Apply to add the workflow to the individual page.

You will need to refresh the page to view the page with the added workflow.

On the content choose the workflow state breadcrumb is added to the page subtitle.

Choose the state breadcrumb to view the workflow popup for the current workflow state.

If you choose to add and apply a different workflow, before the workflow is added and applied to the page

  • the Content Expiry Workflow will require you to set up/confirm the default expiration period value used for the Approved state in the workflow