Add and edit workflow parameters in workflow builder
You can add and edit workflow parameters in the workflow builder visual editor for a custom workflow in the app space settings.
Choose the workflow name in the workflow panel.
Any existing workflow parameters are listed.
Choose + Add Parameter to add a new parameter (or select an existing parameter to edit).
The Add parameter dialogue box is displayed.
Create the workflow parameter by
adding the parameter name
setting the type of parameter from the dropdown menu
optionally set a label to use as a friendly name for the parameter
adding a description
The type of parameter will also determine the options for adding the value. For example, a user parameter expects one or more usernames as the value.
A duration parameter provides options to set the value using a specific Period of time, a specific Fixed Date, or an ISO_8601 duration value.
The Period and ISO_8601 duration are relative time periods set from the workflow event. For example, when used for the value of a workflow state expiry, the duration is set from the transition date to the state.
Examples of the use of an IS0 6081 duration string are
P6M1D - a period of six months and one day
P1Y - a period of one year
PT6H30M - a period of time of six hours and thirty minutes
A workflow parameter cannot be used as a value for another workflow parameter.
Choose Apply to update the workflow in the workflow builder.
Saving any changes to a bundled workflow will create a copy as a custom workflow. The bundled workflow cannot be changed.
Choose Save to add the changes to the workflow, and choose Exit to return to the app space settings.