Database Related Parameters

These parameters are common for all client.

Parameters for Get...List Actions

Any list action that produces CSV output and also create or update a database table provided the appropriate parameters are provided to indicate how to connect to the database and other options on how the table is created and updated. These parameters are not listed specifically in the help text or documentation for each of the specific actions. This was done on purpose to avoid confusion with other action specific parameters since they do not apply for most typical use cases.   

propertyFileProperty file reference containing database parameters. This is an option to more easily reference the database access parameters. Any parameter provided directly will override the parameter provided in the properties file.
driverJDBC driver class name or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions.
urlDatabase access url for SQL related actions. Either url needs to be provided or it will be constructed from other database related parameters like host, port, and database. Needed to identify the database to be accessed. Example: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase.
hostDatabase host server for SQL related actions. Not used if url is provided. Defaults to localhost if not provided.
portDatabase host port for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. Optional and defaults to the database software default port.
databaseDatabase name is required for SQL actions.
dbUserDatabase user name. Defaults to the user parameter.
dbPasswordDatabase user's password. Defaults to password parameter if available.

Optional. Identifies the JDBC jar file provided by database vendor for accessing their database remotely. By default, lib/jdbc is used to automatically find and load database drivers. Otherwise you can specify a specific file or url reference for the database driver jar. Examples: /myJdbcDrivers/postgresql-42.1.4.jar or

dbTableDatabase table name when creating or updating a database from list output.
dbCreateTableOptional. Flag to indicate that you want a database table to be created if it does not exist. A database table needs to be created before adding rows. If a table already exists, it will be used. If the replace parameters is also used, then the table will be dropped and then recreated. 
dbTableKeysOptional. Comma separated list of column names used to access existing rows for update. Normally this defines a primary key set for the table. Defaults to an action specific default appropriate the CLI has determined to provide unique key access.

Parameters for Other Database Actions

Some other actions also have SQL capabilities and depend on the same database access parameters as well as other action specific values.

sqlSQL select statement used to generate a run script for the runFromSql action
afterSqlSQL to run after a successful action. Limited to specific actions at this time.