Resolving PKIX Error when Connecting to Jira and Confluence


When you attempt to connect to the Jira and Confluence servers using the Atlassian sslpoke class., you receive an error message.

Additionally, when installing the ACLI, the test connection fails, and you cannot connect to the Jira and Confluence URLs.

The error message:

" PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target."


This article provides the solution to the error "PKIX path building failed" that may be encountered when connecting to Jira and Confluence servers.


  1. To resolve this issue, set the following in your shell:

    export ACLI_JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts"


    1. The path may vary based on your local Java installation(s).

    2. There is no need for a local Java installation: as long you have a cacerts file, you can just get its path and point to it.

    3. How you set an environment variable depends on your OS. This article provides information about how to adapt the command line depending on your OS.

Should the problem persist, do the steps as follows:

  1. Uncheck the test box during the installation process and complete the installation without the test.

  2. Run the command from the command line and follow standard configuration issues, possibly including a debug log on getServerInfo or any other related command.

  3. Check that your DNS entries are resolving correctly.

  4. Customize your Java environment based on your distribution and version, refer to the official Java documentation for more information on runtime options.