KB : Login Synchronizer without Windows user account credential

For TFS4JIRA Synchronizer, users will need to have the Windows user account credentials, and that user account must have read and write permissions to the administration.acl file. Sometimes, customers cannot set up any user account which can access the Synchronizer due to SSO or some other Windows auth methods. There's another way to log into the Synchronizer by editing the web.config file and users.xml file inside App_Data folder in the Synchronizer installation directory. If you go to this file path


You should see inside the folder, there's a file named "example-users.xml". Please copy it and paste it in the same folder with the name "users.xml". Afterward, open the file "users.xml" and change the username and password according to your needs.

Then, please go to web.config file at


After opening the web.config file, search for these two lines,

<!--add name="UserValidator" type="synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.ReadOnlyXmlUserValidator" description="Checks Username and Password against users in xmlFileName (~/App_Data/security/users.xml)" /-->

<add name="UserValidator" type="synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.UserValidator" applicationName="synchronizer" description="Checks Username and Password against valid Windows users in a given domain" logonType="3" />

Then, change it to

<add name="UserValidator" type="synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.ReadOnlyXmlUserValidator" description="Checks Username and Password against users in xmlFileName (~/App_Data/security/users.xml)" />

<!--add name="UserValidator" type="synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.UserValidator" applicationName="synchronizer" description="Checks Username and Password against valid Windows users in a given domain" logonType="3" /-->

and save.

Then, please go to IIS manager and recycle the TFS4JIRA app pool. After all these modifications, you can use the username and password you input at users.xml file to login without caring the .acl file or Windows account.

Each time after updating the Synchronizer, you will need to re-do all these steps above in order to get this work again.