KB : Installing multiple TFS4JIRA Synchronizers in the same server

Warning: both Synchronizers will be running the same version of TFS4JIRA. It's not possible to have one Synchronizer running 7.6.0 and another 7.7.1.

  1. Assuming you already have TFS4JIRA installed.
  2. Open IIS.
  3. Stop the TFS4JIRA Sync App Pool.
  4. Navigate to the location where the TFS4JIRA files are located. By default at C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
  5. Create a copy of the tfs-jira-synchronizer folder and rename it (e.g. tfs4jira2).
  6. Go back to C:\inetpub and create a folder named wwwroot2.
  7. Move the folder you created in step 5 to wwwroot2.
  8. Go back to IIS.
  9. Create a new Website:
    1. Make sure to point Physical path to the wwwroot2 folder and that you're using an available port (i.e. one that's not taken by another application).
    2. Uncheck the "Start Website immediately" option.
  10. Create a new Application under the TFS4JIRA Website and:
    1. set an Alias (e.g. tfs4jira2).
    2. point the Application Pool that was created in the previous step (e.g. TFS4JIRA).
    3. set Physical path to the folder you copied in step 5.
    4. make sure the Preload Enabled option is checked.
  11. Go back to the Application Pools and go to Advanced Settings for the Application Pool you recently created (e.g. TFS4JIRA).
    1. Make sure the Enable 32-Bit Applications option is set to True.
    2. Start Mode should be AlwaysRunning.
    3. Idle time-out (minutes) should be 0.