KB : How to modify TFS4Jira Synchronizer Login

It is possible to modify the default login method for TFS4JIRA, from the Windows Account to a username and password that you define in an XML file.

To achieve that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to installation directory, which by default is: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer\

  2. Under App_data\security

  3. Copy example-users.xml and rename the copy to users.xml

  4. Edit the file and select username and password that you would like, following the scheme defined:

    <Users> <User> <UserName>tfsadmin</UserName> <Password>myPassword!23</Password> <UserName>tfsadmin2</UserName> <Password>anotherPassword1@3</Password> </User> </Users>

In the example above, you will have two available users tfsadmin and tfsadmin2

  1. Now, in the root of TFS4JIRA installation path, you will find a file named Web.config, open the file to edit.

  2. Uncomment this line:
    <add name="UserValidator" type="SpartezSoftware.Synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.ReadOnlyXmlUserValidator" description="Checks Username and Password against users in xmlFileName (~/App_Data/security/users.xml)" />

  3. And comment the line below:
    <!--add name="UserValidator" type="SpartezSoftware.Synchronizer.Security.MembershipProviders.UserValidator" applicationName="SpartezSoftware.Synchronizer" description="Checks Username and Password against valid Windows users in a given domain" logonType="3" /-->

  4. Save the file and recycle the application on IIS Manager

  5. Upon reloading TFS4JIRA, you will be now presented with the option to login with the username and password that was defined in the users.xml file.