Downloading Confluence Server Log Files

Downloading Confluence Server Log Files


Confluence Server Log Files

  • Confluence has a tool for getting the server log at General Configuration > Troubleshooting and support tools

    Follow the prompts to create a Support Zip.  See Create a Support Zip for full instructions (or just use our  Log Downloader app and get the log with one click).

  • When downloading the log files you do not need to include anything except the Confluence application logs unless support requests something else.

    • Please don’t include data that is not needed or requested. A full support zip, containing all possible data, is very large and most of the contents are not needed.


Configuring Logging

See Confluence documentation for Configuring Logging for adjusting the logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc.)

  • In some cases, you will adjust the logging level for a Java package that corresponds to the Artemis plugin/app that you are using

    • Support will give you the name of the package, eg “net.artemis.plugins.conf.multiexcerpt4” and they will tell you what level is needed (INFO, DEBUG, etc.)


    • After you add the logging entries do not forget to click the “Save” button at the bottom of the Logging and Profiling page:



