Warning: Some pages may not have deleted properly

Warning: Some pages may not have deleted properly


In the Copy Page Tree app, while using the “Delete Page Tree” tool:


Some pages may not have deleted properly.


The likely cause of these warnings are insufficient permissions for the operation.


Ensure user has sufficient space permissions and that there are no page restrictions for the user in place.

In order to delete a page a user must have the ‘Delete’ permission for the space that the content is in. The user must also have permission to edit the content (i.e. not have a page restrictions that prevent editing).

To ensure the user has the correct space permission, grant the “Delete Pages” permission to the user directly or to a group that the user is a member of:

To ensure that the user is not affected by a page restriction, grant the user the ability to edit the page.


Premium users can also use the “Inspect permissions” tool to help discover the specific permission issues preventing page deletion.

Atlassian Documentation