Rich Filters 1.25 Release Notes


Support for queues in Rich Filter Results gadgets improved rich filter search and other improvements and fixes.

Rich Filters App on the Atlassian Marketplace

Version Highlights

  • Support for queues in Rich Filter Results gadgets

  • Improved rich filter search

  • Other improvements and fixes

See below for more details.

Support for queues in Rich Filter Results gadgets

This release introduces queues, a set of features that considerably extend the capabilities of the Rich Filter Results gadgets.

Defined in the rich filter configuration, queues are lists of issues based on configurable JQL queries that further filter the issues returned by the rich filter. Queues are ideal for organizing support requests (by support agent, service desk, request type, etc.) but also for managing lists of issues in general:

  • one or multiple queues can be displayed in any given Rich Filter Results gadget,

  • each queue can be displayed with one or multiple views,

  • each queue has its own sorting criteria, independent of the other queues,

  • and more – see the Configuring Queues documentation page for more details.

Example of Rich Filter Results gadget configured to display four queues (the selected queue – Waiting for support – uses three views to display issues):

Example of queue configuration:

For more information about queues, look at the Configuring Queues documentation page.

For more information about the Rich Filter Results gadget, look at its documentation page.

Improved rich filters search

On the rich filters configuration page, users can now search for rich filters based on their names, the names of their Jira base filters, and their administrators. Previously, the searches were based only on the names of the rich filters.

In the gadget configuration forms, searching for rich filters will continue to be based on the name of the rich filter only. 

Other improvements and fixes

  • Fixed: Dynamic filters on Sprint should use IDs instead of names in the generated JQL

  • Improvement: Jira administrators should be able to use the Find Dashboards functionality, which is currently restricted to Jira system administrators 

Supported Jira Versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.25 is supported on Jira versions starting with 8.13.0. See Atlassian Marketplace for the latest Jira version compatibility information. 


The app can be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Find new add-ons page of your Jira instance.


Version 1.25.1

  • Fixed: Rich Filters page crashes when users who are rich filter admins are deleted from the Jira instance

Version 1.25.2

  • Compatibility with Jira 9.3

Version 1.25.3

  • Fixed: In Jira 9, SLA fields are not displayed in external gadgets (Confluence, Wallboards) anymore

Version 1.25.4

  • Fixed: Fix translation problem in dynamic filters

Version 1.25.5

  • Improved loading of rich filter lists

  • Improved Jira filter searching in rich filter create/edit screens – searching terms are ANDed instead of ORed

Version 1.25.6

  • Compatibility with Jira 9.7

Version 1.25.7

  • Fixed: Sometimes, the gadgets don't resize correctly in Safari

  • Compatibility with Jira 9.7