Rich Filters 1.28 Release Notes


Custom durations, unresolved time series, advanced Created vs. Resolved mode and more

Rich Filters App on the Atlassian Marketplace

Version Highlights

  • Advanced mode for the Created vs. Resolved gadget

  • Custom duration custom values

  • Unresolved time series

  • Other improvements and fixes

See below for more details.

Advanced mode for the Created vs. Resolved gadget

The Created vs. Resolved gadget supports an advanced mode allowing users to select custom start and finish dates.

Documentation: The Rich Filter Created vs. Resolved Chart Gadget

Unresolved time series

Users can define unresolved time series which is a new special type of computed time series. Unresolved time series are computed as the difference between Created and Resolved time series.

Documentation: Configuring Time Series

Custom duration custom values

A new custom value type is available - custom duration is a computed duration value, calculated as the time elapsed between any two date/date-time fields or between a date/date-time field and now. 

Documentation: Configuring Custom Values

Other improvements and fixes

  • Improvement: Weeks is available as a new value display option for time tracking custom values

  • Other minor fixes

Supported Jira Versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.28 is supported on Jira versions starting with 8.19.0. See Atlassian Marketplace for the latest Jira version compatibility information. 


The app may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Find new add-ons page of your Jira instance.