The Rich Filter Results Gadget

The Rich Filter Results Gadget

The Rich Filter Results gadget displays a list of issues in a table. It is analogous to Jira’s built-in Filter Results gadget, but it is based on a rich filter instead of a Jira saved search and thus adds several new features:

  • the content displayed can be further filtered using Rich Filter Controller gadgets;

  • the gadget itself can further refine the results by applying a gadget-specific JQL that we call a working query;

  • the gadget can display multiple views of the rich filter (which can include computed columns, color highlighting, etc);

  • the gadget can display all the issues (the default behavior) or one or multiple queues; queues are custom lists of issues configured in the rich filter;

  • the displayed issues can be updated directly from the dashboard using the Dashboard Issue Actions;

  • the issues can be exported to Excel;

  • the issues can be modified in bulk;

  • the gadget’s title can be customized.

Example 1: gadget configured to display the issues using three views:

Example 2: gadget configured to display four queues (the selected queue – Waiting for support – uses two views to display issues):

Configuring the Rich Filter Results gadget

Add a new or edit an existing Rich Filter Results gadget in your Jira dashboard. The configuration form of the gadget will be displayed:

Edit the gadget configuration as described in the following table:






You can optionally customize the gadget's title. If left blank, the default title will be Rich Filter Results.

Whether you set a custom title or leave the default, all rich filter gadgets will prefix their titles with the name of their rich filter, so you can see at a glance which gadgets are connected with each other.

Rich Filter

Select the rich filter the gadget will use.

Click the Rich Filter button to display the list of rich filters; you can either scroll through or use the search box to find the desired filter.

The gadgets’ configuration forms show only the rich filters you can view. Check the section on permissions for more details.

The link in the description line below the Rich Filter button opens a new page with the configuration of the selected rich filter.

Also, when the gadget is in display mode, you can navigate directly to its rich filter using the Rich Filter option in the menu at the top right of the gadget.

Working Query

The working query is a JQL query combined with the rich filter's base filter before searching for issues. The working query is optional and if left empty, only the base and quick filters affect the issues displayed.


Two options are possible:

  • All issues—The gadget will display the list of issues returned by the rich filter and any additional filtering at the dashboard level. With the "Views" setting (see below), you can then select the views that will be used to display the issues.

  • Queues—The gadget will display the queues selected in the "Queues" setting (see below). Each queue will use its own views, as configured in the rich filter.


Applies only if the display option is All issues

Here, you can select the views (among the views defined in the Rich Filter) displayed by the gadget. By default, all views are displayed (the option Show all views is selected).

The list of views to be displayed can be customized (by selecting the option Customize views). You can add, remove, or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid” icon) the views to be displayed.


Applies only if the display option is Queues

Here, you can select the queues (among the queues defined in the selected rich filter) displayed by the gadget. By default, all the queues are displayed (the option Show all queues is selected).

The list of queues to be displayed can be customized (by selecting the option Customize queues). You can add, remove or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid” icon) the queues to be displayed.

Maximum rows

The maximum number of issues the gadget will display per page. The default is 10; it can be changed, but it cannot exceed 50.