Rich Filters 1.18 Release Notes


Rich Filters App on the Atlassian Marketplace

Version Highlights

  • Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards can now be extended with Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira, which enhances the existing rich filter gadgets by adding export to PDF reporting functionality
  • IE11 deprecation notice / retiring support (warning)
  • Other minor improvements and fixes

See below for more details.

Extend your rich filters with Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira

Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira is a free extension of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app. The extension allows users to easily export to PDF any rich filter gadget or entire Jira dashboards containing rich filter gadgets. 

Rich Filter Extensions

Rich filter extensions are separate Jira apps that can be installed on top of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app to extend the rich filters and rich filter gadgets with new specific functionality. Like any other rich filter extension, Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira needs to be downloaded and installed separately from the Atlassian Marketplace. When installing Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira, you need to already have installed and licensed Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards v1.18 or above. See our compatibility matrix for more information.

Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira enhances the rich filter gadgets by adding export to PDF reporting functionality. The users can export to PDF:

  • any individual rich filter gadget
  • entire dashboards containing rich filter gadgets

Click here to see the product highlights and exported PDF sample files. The functionality can also be quickly tested on our live demo Jira instance

To know more about Rich Filters::PDF Reports for Jira, have a look at our documentation.

 (warning) IE11 deprecation notice / retiring support

In 2019, Atlassian announced that they will retire support for Internet Explorer (IE) 11. As a result, Jira 8.5 (Enterprise Release) is the last version supported on IE11.

To align with Atlassian's decision, we have decided to retire IE11 support in Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards as follows: 

  • Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards 1.18.x will be the last version series to support IE11. Support will continue until Jira 8.5 reaches end-of-life on October 21, 2021. During this time, we will fix critical and severe bugs only in patches for the 1.18 version. 
  • Starting with Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.19.0, IE11 will not be supported anymore. We will stop testing and fixing bugs specific to IE11, and we will begin introducing features that are not compatible with this browser. 

The goal of taking this step is to guarantee that Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards leverages the latest technologies to provide high performance and a great user experience.

Supported Jira Versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 1.18 is supported on Jira versions 7.10.0 – 8.8.x. 


The app may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or from the Find new add-ons page of your Jira instance.