Rich Filters 2.0 Release Notes


Improve the rich filter gadgets UI to match the Cloud version

Rich Filters App on the Atlassian Marketplace

Version Highlights

  • The UI of the rich filter gadgets now matches the Cloud version of the app

  • Statistics tables can now be sorted by the values of a column or row

  • Warning for links with very long URLs

  • Other improvements and fixes

See below for more details.

Improved UI for rich filter gadgets

The UI of the rich filter gadgets has been improved. This continues the UI modernization effort that started with version 1.29, when the gadgets' config forms were improved. The updated underlying technology will allow us to build functionality more easily in the future.

Statistics tables can now be sorted by the values of a column or row

End users can now easily sort statistics tables by the values of a column or row by clicking on the corresponding icons in the column/row header.

Warning for links with very long URLs

The app generates many functional hyperlinks. Most of them open the Jira issue navigator already filtering the relevant issues. The URL of the links encodes the JQL of the filter applied in the issue navigator. If the JQL is very long, the URL is very long also, and might exceed the maximum limit supported by the user's browser (the limit depends on the browser and its version). When the URL of a particular link is longer than 2,000 characters, when you click on the link the app now shows a small dialog, warning you that the URL is very long and might not work in your browser. The dialog allows you to continue and open the link (you may know what the limit is for your browser and that this link will work), cancel, or copy the JQL of the link to the clipboard. Copying the JQL allows you to paste it yourself in the issue navigator if needed, thus bypassing the browser limitation on the URL length.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Improved: The +JQL button in the Controller gadget, which allows users to type an additional JQL clause, is now always available.

  • Improved: In the bottom-left corner of all the rich filter gadgets, a new icon opens a drop-up menu with the following entries: Configure gadget, Open rich filter config, Download support file.

  • Improved: The export to PDF at the dashboard level is now triggered by clicking on the export icon in the Controller gadget.

  • Improved: Remove the rich filter name prefix from customized gadget titles.

  • Fixed: Wrong WARN messages in logs

  • Fixed: Safari browser compatibility issues

  • Fixed: Issue with configuring Rich Filter Results gadgets in Confluence with customized views

  • Fixed: Re-ordering of values is not working properly in gadget config forms

  • Other minor fixes

Supported Jira Versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards version 2.0 is supported on Jira versions starting with 9.0.0. See Atlassian Marketplace for the latest Jira version compatibility information. 


The app may be installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or the Find new add-ons page of your Jira instance.