Fields and graphic elements supported by Live Fields
Standard Jira Fields Supported by Live Fields
You use the following fields in Live Fields routines with the key indicated in the Usage column of the table.
Field | Explanation | Usage |
Project | The project name for the issue. Available for v. 2.6.1 (for Jira 6.x) and above | project |
Summary | The summary field of the issue | summary |
Type | The issue type field | issueType |
Priority | The priority field of the issue | priority |
Status | The status field of the issue | status |
Resolution | The resolution field of the issue | resolution |
Affects Version/s | The affected versions field of the issue | affectedVersions |
Fix Version/s | The fix versions field of the issue | fixVersions |
Security Level | The security level field of the issue | security |
Component/s | The component field of the issue | components |
Labels | The labels field of the issue | labels |
Environment | The environment field of the issue | environment |
Description | The description field of the issue | description |
Assignee | The assignee field of the issue | assignee |
Reporter | The reporter field of the issue | reporter |
Due | The due date field of the issue | dueDate |
Created | The created field of the issue | created |
Updated | The updated field of the issue | updated |
Resolved | The resolved field of the issue | resolved |
Estimated | The issue original estimate | originalEstimate |
Remaining | The issue remaining estimate | estimate |
Logged | The issue time spent | timeSpent |
Votes | The vote field of the issue | votes |
Watchers | The watchers field of the issue | watchers |
Edit Submit | Submit button from the Edit screen | editSubmit |
Transition Submit | Submit buttons on the Transition screens | transitionSubmit |
Cancel | Cancel link from the Edit, Transition, or Create screen | cancel |
Create Issue Submit | Submit button from Create Issue screen (pop-up screen/ JSD Customer Portal)1 | createIssueSubmit |
Issue Create Submit | Submit button from the Create Issue screen (with the Transition screen)1 | issueCreateSubmit |
Attach Files | attachFiles | |
Attach Screenshot | The Attach Screenshot drop-down item from button More from the view screen of an issue2 | attachScreenshot |
Delete attachments | The Delete icon from the View screen of an issue and from the Manage Attachments screen2 | deleteAttachment |
Attachments | The Attachments module from the view screen of an issue2 | attachments |
Add Attachments | The Add Attachments icon from the view screen of an issue2 | addAttachments |
Manage Attachments | The Manage Attachments drop-down item from Attachments module2 | manageAttachments |
Viewable by | The Viewable By option of the Comment field from View, Edit, Transition screens. Available since v. 3.0.8 (for Jira 6.x). | viewable_by |
Configure Fields | The Configure Fields button from the Edit Issue screen. | configureFields |
Linked Issues | The Issue Links section/dropdown in view and edit screens. Available since version Supported operations: lfShow, lfHide, lfEnable, lfDisable, lfShowFieldMessage, lfHideFieldMessage for the view and edit screens, and lfRestrictSelectOptions, lfAllowSelectOptions for the create and edit screens. | linkedIssues |
1 - Available for v. 3.0.3 (for Jira 6.x) and above
2 - Available for v. 3.0.5 (for Jira 6.x) and above
Some Live Fields routines can interact with other elements of the issue as well. Check outeach routine's page to see any additional elements it can interact with.
Create Issue Submit and Issue Create Submit - both fields are used for the Create button from the create screen.
If the button is accessed from an issue then it will appear in the Create Issue pop-up, and you have to use Create Issue Submit.
If the button is accessed from the Manage Add-ons screen for instance, it will first appear on a transition screen, so you have to access the Next button if you want to create a new issue. For such cases you need to use Issue Create Submit.
To control all Create Issue screens using live fields, you need to use both of these fields.
The project field is supported only on the screens where the actual graphical field exists.
When it's value is accessed (with argv["project"]) on a screen where the field is not visible, the behavior is not defined. For example, the value can either be the project key, project name or empty.
Not all Live Fields operations work on buttons, or if they do, it’s by coincidence and have unspecified behavior. Examples: lfSet, lfShowFieldMessage.
Fields supported in the Customer Portal, since v 4.6
Starting with version 4.6 of Power Scripts for Jira, we support Live Fields in the Customer Portal also.
All the standard fields that exist in Jira but are also supported in the Customer Portal. These are: summary, description, environment, duedate, priority, components, labels.
We support Jira Service Desk Customer Portal specific fields. These are: Root cause, Workaround, Approvers, CAB, Change managers, Change risk, Change type, Impact, Investigation reason, Pending reason, Source, Urgency, Due date, Change completion date, Change start date, Time to die, Operational categorization, Product categorization. NOTE: These are basically custom fields defined by Jira Service Desk, so you can use their ids directly, like with any other custom field.
Additionally, we support all the custom fields like: CF Single Line Text, CF Multi Line Text, CF URL field etc. In order to apply a Live Fields routine to a custom field, you can choose to use either its id (eg: customfield_12345) or its name (as defined in the Jira Custom Fields admin page). This is to ensure a consistency in behavior for the same custom field can be included in multiple Customer Portal request types having different display names. This note applies also to standard fields (summary, description, etc).
Example 1
For this example we will show you how you can use the lfHide function to hide the Estimated field.
lfHide("originalEstimate"); //this will hide the estimated field
The image shows time tracking information before and after hiding the Estimated field.
Example 2
The following example shows how you can set the issue type using the lfSet function with Live Fields.
lfSet("issueType", "Task"); //this will set the issue type with the Task value
Jira Core Custom Field Types Supported by Live Fields
Live Fields also supports the following custom fields:
Cascading Select
Date Picker
Date Time
Free Text Field
Group Picker
Multi Checkboxes
Multi Group Picker
Multi Select
Multi User Picker
Number Field
Project Picker
Radio Buttons
Select List
Single Version Picker
Text Field
URL Field
User Picker
Version Picker
In the following example we show how you can hide a custom field using the lfHide function. Let's say you have a number field custom field named count. The custom field id is 10100.
lfHide("customfield_10100") //hide the custom field by its id
lfHide("count") //hide the custom field by its name
Watching events seems simple (checklfWatchroutine). But what exactly are the events? The answer to that is actually very simple: all of them are JavaScript events. We decided to use them directly because of the following reasons:
People already know these events
We offer a broad range of events to watch on
People might want to add additional JS to the page. Mixing them would mean that the programmer would have to mentally map events from Power Scripts™ to JS and the other way around. Try to avoid that.