Group Usage

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How does Power Admin for Jira track the group usage?

This section will reveal to you how Power Admin evaluates and finds the usage (the dependent configuration elements) of the groups in a Jira instance.


Power Admin finds the total number of projects where the group is part of their configuration. It also detects more specific project information:

  • Security configuration - projects in which the group has access to their issues. You can click to view a list of the projects.

  • Notifications configuration projects where group members will be notified of changes in these projects.

  • Workflows configuration - projects where the group is configured in workflows assigned to these projects.

Shares and subscriptions

It also finds the filters and dashboards a group is accessing and the filters it is subscribed to:

  • Subscribed to filters - Power Admin detects the filters group members are subscribed to.

  • Accessing filters - Power Admin detects the filters shared with members of a group.

  • Accessing dashboards - Power Admin detects the dashboards shared with members of a group.

Configuration elements where the group is used

Power Admin finds all the permissions, global permission, issue security schemes, events, workflows, agile boards, filters, and service projects that use the group. We go through the JQL queries in agile boards and filters and look for references to the group.

Group to permission relation

Permission is shown as related to the group if:

  1. Permission is granted to the group.

  2. The group is associated with a project role in any project and this project role has rights to permission, which is part of a permission scheme used by the same project. 

Group to global permission relation

Global permission is shown as related to the group if it is granted to the group.

Group to issue security scheme relation

An issue security scheme is shown as related to the group, if:

  1. The group is added to a security level of an issue security scheme.

  2. The group is associated with a project role in any project and this project role is added to a security level of an issue security scheme used by the same project.

Group to event relation

An event is shown as related to the group, if:

  1. If the group is configured as a recipient of notifications of an event.

  2. The group is associated with a project role (in any project) that is configured as a recipient of notifications of an event that is part of a notification scheme used by the same project.

Group to workflow relation

A workflow is shown as related to the group, if:

  1. The group is referenced in a property of a workflow participant.

  2. The group is associated with a project role in any project and this project role is referenced in a property of a workflow participant, which is part of a workflow that has assigned a workflow scheme used by the same project.

Group to Agile board relation

An Agile board is shown as related to the group, if:

  1. The group is referenced in a JQL entry (saved filter, cardcolors, quick filters, subqueries, swimlanes).

  2. If the group is a board administrator.

Group to filter relation

A filter is shown as related to the group if the group name or id is referenced in the filter.

Group to Service projects

Dependency is detected when the group is referred to in Request types, Queues, SLAs, or (Legacy) Automation rules. Usage detection happens when the Service Projects' Cached Index is generated for the first time or when it’s refreshed.