Preparing your test environment

This page guides you through setting up a test Jira Server environment that you will be using throughout the rest of this tutorial. 

Before you begin

To complete this tutorial you'll need the following:

  • Jira Software application installed for your operating system. See here for more info.
  • Knowledge of importing a Jira Server backup into another Server instance.
  • Knowledge of installing a third-party add-on.

Step 1 - Download the provided backup and save it

Step 2 - Set up your Jira application

  • Launch your test instance in a browser. (Jira will start up in your browser once installation is complete)
  • In the 'Evaluation and demonstration setup' screen, choose "I'll set it up myself" option.

Step 3 - Import the backup to your test instance and install the JMWE add-on

  • In the 'Set up application properties' screen, click on import your data.
  • You will now see the 'Import existing data' screen. On the screen:
    • File Name: Provide the File name as
    • License: Enter a JIRA application license key or you can get the setup wizard to create one.
  • Click on Import and wait while your JIRA data is imported. 
  • Once the import is done you will be prompted to login.

  • Login with the following credentials:

    UserID: jcarter

    Password: 123456789

  • Install JMWE add-on from Find new add-ons page

The backup has been successfully imported to your test instance. You now have a local test Jira environment configured to write Groovy scripts in JMWE workflow extensions.

Next >> Writing your first Groovy script