JMWE Workflow Extensions

JMWE Workflow Extensions

The JMWE workflow extensions section of the JMWE Administration pages lists all of the workflow extensions that have been created in your Jira instance. From this administration page, you can check any errors or warnings associated with the extensions. The page consists of two primary sections - the filters and the extension list.

Note: only extensions created with JMWE will be included on this page.

Page Filters

The workflow extensions list (Figure 1, right) includes two filters at the top of the page:

  • Workflow - Filter the list of extensions by a specific workflow. Selecting a workflow will automatically refresh the list.

  • Group by - Display the extensions by either the transition within the workflow, or by the extension type.

Extension List

Depending on the Group by value selected, the extension list will display differently.

Transition - When listing by transition, each transition in the workflow is an expandable card. When the transition card is expanded, every extension will be listed with the following information:

  • Extension name - The name of the extension.

  • Transition - The transition to which the extension has been added, including the transition ID.

  • Run log - Status badges indicating the number of errors and/or warnings in the last 24 hours.

Extension type - When listing by extension type, each type in the workflow is an expandable card. When the type card is expanded, every extension is listed with the following information:

  • Extension name - The name of the extension.

  • Extension Type - Condition, Validator, or Post-function.

  • Run log - Status badges indicating the number of errors and/or warnings.


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Figure 1 - JMWE Workflow Extensions