Manipulating Data types
This section details the manipulations and operations on different data types in Groovy using methods of GDK and methods shared with JDK.Â
On this page:
Operations on Simple Data types
Some useful methods with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for a String and GString
def newString = "Hello Groovy in JMWE" //startsWith newString.startsWith("Hello") //returns true newString.startsWith("Groovy") //returns false //getAt() newString.getAt(1) == "e" newString[0] == "H" //indexOf newString.indexOf("in") == 13 //contains() newString.contains("JMWE") //returns true //Remove a part of the String newString - "Hello " //returns "Groovy in JMWE" //size() newString.size() //returns 20 //Adding spaces to the String "a".padLeft(3) //returns " a" "a".padRight(3) //retunrs "a " "a".center(3) //returns " a " "a"*3 //returns "aaa" //Strip extra lines def multiline = """ String containing multiple lines """
As said earlier, numbers are objects and have methods. Some useful methods with examples are listed below. See here for all the methods applicable for a Number.
//Get the absolute value (-1).abs() == 1 //Transform to integer 2.5.toInteger() == 2 //Enforced coercion 2.5 as Integer == 2 //Casting a number (int) 2.5 == 2 //Rounding 2.5f.round() == 3 Math.PI.round(3) == 3.142 //String methods on numbers "2.718".isNumber() //returns true //Increment by one == 3 //times - Repeat certain number of times def store = "" 10.times{ store += "x" } store == "xxxxxxxxxx" //returns true //upto - Walking upto a number def store = "" 1.upto(5) { number -> store += number } store == "12345" //downto - Walking down to a number def store = "" 2.downto(-2) { number -> store += number + " " } store == "2 1 0 -1 -2 " //step - Walking with step width def store = "" 0.step(0.5, 0.1 ){ number -> store += number + " " } store == "0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 "
Regular expressions
Some useful methods with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for regular expressions
//String.eachMatch method def sentence = "Rain in spain stays mainly in plain" def wordEnding = /w*ain/ def rhyme = /b$wordEndingb/ def found = "" sentence.eachMatch(rhyme){ match -> found += match + " " } //Matcher.each method found = '' (sentence =~ rhyme).each { match -> found += match + ' ' } found //String.replaceAll(regex){} def replace = sentence.replaceAll(rhyme){ it-'ain'+'___' } replace
Some useful methods with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for a Boolean.
//Logical conjuction of two boolean operators "2.718".isNumber().and(2.718f.round() == 3) //Coerce to a boolean value (x=3).asBoolean()
Operations on Collections
Some useful methods with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for a Set.
HashSet set = [1,2,3] //Append a value at the end of the set set.add(4) == [1,2,3,4] //Get an element at a specified location set.getAt(2) //Contains an element set.contains(4) == true //Check whether the set is empty set.isEmpty() == false //Remove an element set.minus(3) //Add an element //Size of the set set.size() == 4 //Max and min in the set set.max() == 4 set.min() == 1 //Find for the first element matching the condition set.find{ it > 1 } //returns 2 //Find for all elements matching the condition set.findAll{ it > 1 } //returns [2,3,4] //Returns true if all elements match set.every { it < 5 } //Returns true if any element matches set.any { it > 2 } HashSet set1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] //Find index of 1st element matching criteria set1.findIndexOf { it in ["c", "e", "g"] } //returns 2 //Sum of all the elements set.sum() == 21 set1.sum() == "abcde" //Join the elements set.join('-') == "1-2-3" HashSet set2 = [["a", "b"],["c", "d"]] set2.sum() == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
All the methods that apply to a Set are applicable to a List too. Some additional methods for List with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for a List.
def list = [1,2,3] //Reverse a list list.reverse() == [4, 3, 2, 1] //Index returned ["a", "b", "c", "d", "c"].indexOf("c") == 2 //Get an element at a specified location list.get(2)
Some useful methods with examples are explained below. See here for all the methods applicable for a Map.
def map = [name: "John", branch: "Electrical", id: 1234] //Get the value of a key map.get("name") == "John" map["name"] == "John" == "John" //Size of the map map.size() == 3 //Escape key by adding paranthesis def a = "John" def ages = [(a):50] ages.("John") //returns 50 //Clone a map map2 = map.clone() //Check the map contains a key map.containsKey("id") == true //Collection view of the values contained in the Map map.values() //Add elements map.put("location", "Denmark") map == [name: "John", branch: "Electrical", id: 1234, "location":"Denmark"] def map3 = [1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"] map.putAll(map3) map == [name: "John", branch: "Electrical", id: 1234, "location":"Denmark", 1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"] //Remove elements map.clear() == null //Obtain a Set of the keys in the Map map.keySet() def people = [ 1: [name:"Bob", age: 32, gender: "M"], 2: [name:"Johnny", age: 36, gender: "M"], 3: [name:"Claire", age: 21, gender: "F"], 4: [name:"Amy", age: 54, gender:"F"] ] //Find a specific element matching a condition people.find { == "Bob" } // returns a single entry //Find all elements matching a condition people.findAll { it.value.gender == "F" } //returns a Map matching the entries //Collect specific values def agesOfPeople = people.collect{ it.value.age } agesOfPeople == [32, 36, 21, 54] //Every - Returns true if all elements match the condition people.every{ id, person -> person.age > 18 } //Any - Returns true if any element matches the condition people.any{ id, person -> person.age > 18 } //Group a list into a map list = ['a', 7, 'b', [2, 3]] list.groupBy{ it.class } //returns [(String) : ['a', 'b'], (Integer) : [7], (ArrayList): [[2, 3]] ]
Some useful methods with examples are explained below.
def range = (0..10) //Contains a specific element range.contains(3) == true //Get a specific element range.get(4) == 4 //Lower value of the range range.getFrom() == 0 //Upper value of the range range.getTo() == 10 //Size of the range range.size() == 11 //Reverse the range range.reverse() == 10..0