Linked Issues Condition
When you add this condition to a transition, the add-on checks the number of issues of specified type, linked to the current issue against the number of issues entered in the Min. Linked Issues
You can further customize the condition using the following options:
What to validate
Require issue links with a specific link type or set of constraints: Hides the transition if issue links of specified link type and respecting the constraints configured do not exist.
Check existing issue links: Hides the transition if existing linked issues of the specified link type do not respect the constraints configured.
Max. Linked Issues
Select the maximum number of linked issues to be accepted. Leave it blank for no limit.
Condition on linked issues
Input a Groovy condition in this field to check on each linked issue. Leave blank if you don't need any additional constraint on the linked issues. See the Groovy help editor for more information on writing the Groovy condition.
All linked issues must verify the condition above
By default, this option is checked and the Groovy condition written above is checked on each linked issue of the current issue. If you uncheck this option, at least one linked issue, instead of all, must verify the condition.