Status Entry Date Custom Fields

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You can create a generic date custom field to hold the status change date. These custom fields are useful for tracking the time at which an issue enters a particular status, providing visibility into the progression of an issue through different stages of a workflow.

This field is a calculated (read-only) custom field.

To create a Status Entry Date Custom Field, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Apps > Enhancer Plugin for Jira > Custom Field Configuration.

  2. Click the Add New JEP Custom Field button.

  3. Click the Date tab on the left-hand side of the dialogue. 

  4. Select Status Entry Date, then click Add custom field.

  5. Fill in the dialog box:

    • Create a name for the custom field.

    • Select Status(es) to hold the date of when the issue changed to this status. You can select multiple statuses.

    • Specify First or Last â€“ whether the issue can revisit this status, indicating if the status can be repeated in a sequence of transitions (e.g., the issue can be reopened and then changed to the Under Review status again). If first is selected, the calculation will be done according to the first occurrence of selected status(es). Otherwise, the last one will be calculated.

  6. Click the Save custom field button to create the custom field. The custom field will now appear in the issue view:

Once created, the Status Entry Date Custom Field can be used for sorting and searching in the issue navigator, allowing you to filter and find issues based on the user who initiated their status transitions.

Remember to add this custom field to the appropriate screens so that it can be visible and accessible when working with issues. If you don’t know how, check out the Jira documentation.

It's important to note that for new or updated issues after creating this custom field, the custom field values will automatically update correctly. However, for existing issues, it's necessary to regenerate the issue in order to see the correct values associated with the Status Entry Date Custom Field.