
Maximum number of tasks loaded

The App's performance depends on multiple factors, such as your hardware, connection speed, browser settings, or module configuration. If you experience performance issues report them to our Support team and try reducing the number of tasks loaded.

This function has been retired and is unavailable in versions 8.0.21 and higher.

By limiting the number of issues loaded at once, the App has less data to work with and can run much faster. To load Issues that exceed the limit, click the "Load More" button which appears at the bottom of the screen.

Each click loads the number of issues specified in this field. For instance, if you define 100 issues as the limit and have 700 in total, it will take 6 clicks to load all of them.

Scope cloning configuration

From the 8.14 version of BigPicture, the "Task clone link configuration" option has been renamed to "Scope cloning" and moved from the App Configuration > General > Task cloning page to App Configuration > General > Dependencies

More information on the "Scope cloning" option can be found on this page.