Box Columns


You can customize available fields in all Box Columns in the "Box Columns" section of the "Home" root Box.

Changes have to be made in the Home (root) Box. 

All listed fields are available in all Boxes in the app. 

Home (root) Box

On the screen, you see the list of fields that can be added to an Overview column view:

  • predefined BigPicture fields → are always available and can't be removed

  • manually added fields → additional fields manually added by a user

Custom fields - use examples

  • String

    • Priority

    • Health status

    • Department

    • Category

    • Company name

  • Number

    • Planned Value

    • Earned Value

    • Actual Cost of Work Performed

    • Estimate At Completion

    • Estimate To Complete (more details on budget management);

  • Estimation

    • Similar to examples from Numer data type, but expressed in time units (hours, days, weeks)

    • Capacity of Resources assigned to a project

    • Capacity of Resources planned to be assigned to a project in the future etc;

  • Date

    • Project deadline

    • Baseline start date of a project

    • Baseline end date of a project

  • Select

    • Priority

    • Strategic goal

Add new custom fields

You can add the following Jira fields to the list:

  • String

  • Number

  • Date

  • Estimation 

  • Select

  1. To add a new custom field to the list of available fields, click on the "+" icon.


       2. Then add the Field name, select Field type, and save the field.

      3. A newly created custom field appears in the list of all fields.

Select data type

Select Data Type in the custom columns on the Overview module is a useful tool for prioritizing and categorizing projects. It enables giving boxes labels that describe their e.g. Priority, Criticality for Business, Contribution to strategic goals, etc., in the Portfolio, and thus it supports the processes of Portfolio definition. These labels can be further used for filtering boxes.

To enhance the fast scanning of the box structure, you can assign colors to field options.

  1. To add a new custom field to the list of available fields, click on the "+" icon.

       2. Add the Field name, set the field type to "Select". Next, enter Field options and define colors. To save, click the tick icon.

      3. A newly created custom field appears in the list of all fields.

Delete custom fields

To delete a field, click on the "Delete" icon on the right.

You can't delete predefined fields.