Copy a custom field value to another field


Estimated Time: 4 min

Create on Transition for Jira offers two ways to copy a custom field value to a different custom field. The new way provides the ability to do this for more fields than before.

For this example, let's say you want to copy the value of source_cf to target_cf for the newly created issue of the subtask.

Best practice

Use "Set custom field"

This is the easiest approach provided you have enough Set custom field slots to use for your needs.


The following steps demonstrate how to configure Create on Transition for Jira for copying a custom field value to another field:

Use "Copy parent or original issue custom fields"

These fields normally just list custom fields you wish to copy to the new issue. This is the best way to copy fields exactly to the newly created issue. As many fields as you like can be copied this way. This is useful when you have a significant number of fields to copy.


The following steps demonstrate how to configure Create on Transition for Jira for copying a custom field value to another field:


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