User guide - Cloud
Create on Transition for Jira provides workflow transition post functions that can be configured to create or update one or more issues or subtasks. It also offers Conditioned Validator that allows you to use powerful Jira expressions to validate workflow transitions. Using the app, you can set issue fields with values using easy-to-use pick lists and substitution variables. You can also configure optional rules and conditions to customize creating or updating issues and/or subtasks. Conditions may be based on information from either the original or parent issue. You can create multiple issues from a single Create Issue or Create Subtask post function or update multiple issues using Update Issue or you can configure multiple post functions.
Create on Transition Post Functions are similar to native Jira Post Functions in that they are configured and can be modified during normal workflow editing.
Here is the feature list:
Post functions:
Create Issue - Create and populate one or more issues
Create Subtask - Create and populate one or more subtasks
Update Issues - Update and populate one or more existing issues or subtasks
Conditioned Validator - Validate a workflow transition using powerful Jira expressions
Custom condition - Control whether the user can execute the transition or not using powerful Jira expressions
Purpose and scope
This guide provides details of the configuration required to leverage all the potential Create on Transition for Jira has to offer. It also explains a number of key concepts such as workflow post functions, issue fields, substitution variables, and customization required to help understand and use the app effectively.
Refer to the following for additional information:
Overview - Create on Transition for Jira
Popular guides - Tutorials
Highlights of the release - Release notes
Installation and support - Administrator guide
Downloads, Compatibility, Pricing - Marketplace
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