Substitution variables - Cloud


Substitution variables provide powerful capabilities to customize creating and updating issues. These variables provide text string representations of fields useful for inclusion in other fields.

  • Setting field values from other fields and custom field values

  • Constructing conditioning values

  • Facilitating multi-issue creation scenarios

The syntax for referencing substitution variables is: %<variable name>%. All text entry fields support replacement. 

Example: %parent_summary%

Note that for an entry substitution variable the syntax is @entry@.

Substitution variables

Several example substitution variables are listed on the post function screen as an aid when creating definitions. However, the table below contains a more complete and detailed list of substitution variables available as you work with the Create Issue, Update Issues, or Create Subtask post functions.

When you use substitution variables with functions, (function_<function name>(<parameters>)), you might not always see the expected results.

Working with custom fields

Custom fields are identified by either name or id (e.g., customfield_12345). Referencing a custom field by its name is often easier to know what the value is referring to. But referencing custom fields by their id will allow the configuration to survive the renaming of a custom field.

  • Leave the Value field empty while defining the custom field(s) in your post function to set the respective custom field value to blank in the issue being created or updated.

  • In the issue being created or updated:

    • The ID value is copied for customfield_id.

    • The field value itself is copied for customfield_name.

Configured date format

For date substitution variables, the format of the replacement variable can be specified if the default format is not desirable. The format is specified by a Simple Date Format string enclosed in parentheses following the substitution variable name. For example: %created(yyyy-MM-dd)% will result in replacement like 2013-05-28.


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