CR in Jira mobile apps

This page is about Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

You can use Canned Responses in the official Jira Mobile and Jira Cloud for Mac apps to insert templates. See Jira Cloud apps for iPhone / iPad in App Store and for Android in Google Play.





Using templates in Jira mobile apps

Canned responses are accessible through Issue screens. Look for the Insert template button under the Canned Responses label – clicking it will open a dedicated screen with:

  • dropdown with search for selecting templates

  • quick toolbar with your starred templates

  • text editor with the ability to choose the type of message

Automated actions are not supported in Jira Cloud applications. When using a template that contains an automated action, you’ll be able to use the template as usual, but the automated action won't be executed upon posting the comment.