Enable or disable single-page publishing

Enable or disable single-page publishing


The space administrator can make the single-page publishing option active or inactive for each space in the source space publishing dashboard. When active, page editors have the option to publish a single page manually.

When Single page publishing is enabled, the Publish option is displayed in the publishing state byline dropdown dialog box on the page.

This standalone single-page publishing option of a page is enabled by default.

If a space admin disables publishing features in the source space publishing dashboard, the Publish button is not displayed.

Disable single-page standalone publishing

In space settings

  • choose Publishing

  • toggle the green tick slider to disabled (grey)

The Publish option button is not displayed for a user in the page's publishing state byline dropdown dialog box.

Making the single-page publishing option inactive in the space can be helpful when using a Comala workflow to publish on the transition to the workflow final state or publish on a workflow event trigger.

Any change in the space publishing dashboard is confirmed in an on-screen message.

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