Enable publishing of pages from a space

Enable publishing of pages from a space


A space administrator can configure a space to publish pages to a target space in the space settings publishing dashboard.

The space administrator requires space administrator permission in the selected space to add it as a target space.

To enable publishing, the space administrator must add a destination target space. Publishing is then enabled by default. 

Enable publishing from a source space

Once the app is installed, you can enable the publishing of pages between two spaces in the space settings publishing dashboard.

First, you must add a Target Space in the source space publishing dashboard.

This is accessed by choosing the source space Space Settings>App links>Publishing.


For a space with no current target space configured, space administrators can choose the Configure Publishing button to use the space publishing configuration setup tool to add the target space.

The target space is the destination space where the pages are published.

Comala Publishing cannot publish from a space already set as a target space for publishing.

The Target space dropdown menu automatically displays spaces where the current user has space administrator permission.

A space can also be searched by name.

If the current user does not have view and edit permission for a space, it is unavailable in the dropdown menu's options.

Selecting a space to add as a target space already configured as a source or target space displays a warning message, and the Change button is disabled.

The publishing configuration must be cleared from the selected space to add it as a target space for a new source space.

Space settings publishing dashboard configuration options


Once the target space is added, the space administrator can review and update the publishing configuration

Space publishing lets the space administrator publish all the pages in the space using the Publish space button.

Making Enable publishing inactive prevents both single-page publishing and space publishing in the space and hides these options in the publishing dashboard.

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