


A reviewer assigned to the approval in the  In Approval state in the Quality Management System workflow will be required to confirm their identity by providing an e-signature using their username and a password.

credentials prompt for a reviewer is added to the workflow popup for the approval in the In Approval state.

The content review is disabled until the reviewer credentials are added.

The credentials are validated when the reviewer adds their Approve or Reject decision.

Global admins can configure the e-signature method in the global Document Control E-Signatures configuration dashboard.

E-signature authentication method

Depending on the global configuration the credentials prompt in the workflow popup will require either:

  • the Confluence username and Confluence password that the reviewer uses to log in to the instance.

Setting up the e-signature signing token

If the approval requires a signing token, the first time a reviewer opens the workflow popup in the In-Approval state they will be prompted to set up an authentication app to generate the signing token.

Once a user sets up the authenticator app
 a signing token generated by the authenticator app can be added to the workflow popup to activate the approval for the user.

  • the token is only validated when the user makes the approval decision.
  • the signing token is time-limited.
  • the authenticator app generates a new valid 6 digit numeric signing token every 30 seconds.

If the user navigates away from the content without undertaking the approval the next time they view the content a new time-based signing token will be required to activate the approval buttons.

The method of identity authentication required for the workflow approval is configured by global admins in the Document Control E-Signatures Configuration dashboard.

Global admins can manage the signing token for each user in the E-Signatures configuration

  • remove the signing token for a user
  • change the expiry date for the signing token for a user