Remove Workflow - Page Tools

When a workflow is added and applied to an individual page, it can be removed by choosing the Page Tools menu.

Appears on pages and blog posts

  • only when the Approval is added to an individual page - space approval is disabled
  • only for users who can edit or admin the content

Choosing Remove Workflow displays options to remove workflow content properties and workflow history and workflow parameter values (if any) form the content when removing the workflow

Check Remove Workflow activity history checkbox to remove the workflow properties from the content including the workflow history.

  • if unchecked the workflow history and properties for the content will be retained
  • the retained workflow history will be visible when a workflow is subsequently applied to the content

Check Remove Workflow stored parameter values from this page checkbox to remove any values for workflow parameters on the content.

  • if unchecked the workflow parameter values for the content will be retained and will be used when a new workflow is applied

Choose OK to remove the page workflow from the content.