Choose a Snapshot

Choose a Snapshot

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How can you provide a deployment snapshot?

Each configuration deployment starts with providing a snapshot file. Configuration Manager offers three options for providing snapshots for deployment:

  • From Current Instance

  • From Linked Jira Instance

  • From Snapshot File

Deployment from current Jira instance

  1. Log in as a user with the Jira System Administrators global permission.

  2. Choose the cog icon at the top right of the screen, then from the menu choose Configuration Manager.

  3. From Configuration Manager's side menu on the left, choose Deploy to deploy configuration snapshots.

  4. On the Deploy Configuration Snapshot page select 'From Current Instance'. This presents you with a list of all snapshots created on the current Jira.

  5. Click on the 'Deploy' button of a snapshot to start the deployment process.

Deployment from a linked Jira instance

  1. On the Deploy Snapshot page select 'From Linked Jira Instance'. A drop-down will appear on the page from which you can choose any Jira instance linked with an Application Link to the current one. This is particularly useful for promoting change to a production system from a linked staging system.

  2. From the 'Linked Jira Instances' menu select an instance from which you want to deploy a snapshot. This presents you with a list of all snapshots created on the linked Jira instance.

  3. Click on the 'Deploy' button of a snapshot to start the deployment process.

Deployment from a snapshot file

You can choose between two options to load a snapshot file to perform deployments: Upload snapshot file or Path to snapshot file on the Deploy->From snapshot file page.

The Path to snapshot file option allows you to point a location to a snapshot file on the current Jira's file system. The "current" Jira is the system on which you want to perform or are performing a configuration deployment.

You can either upload a snapshot file or select a path to a snapshot on current Jira's file system. This way, you can copy large snapshots directly to a location on the target Jira's file system, so you don't need to upload them from the browser. These are two alternative approaches to load a snapshot file.

  1. Navigate to the Deploy page in Configuration Manager's menu. The deployment mode From Snapshot File is selected by default.

  2. Choose either the From Snapshot File or the Path to snapshot file option.

  3. Depending on the chosen option, either browse to a snapshot file or enter a location on the current Jira and load it.

  4. After the file is loaded, you will see the snapshot file listed on the page. Click on the Deploy button for this snapshot to start the deployment process.

Deployment process

For all single project snapshots, the deployment starts with selecting a target project on which the configuration will be applied.

For all system snapshots, the process will start with selecting a deployment mode.

For multi-project snapshots, Configuration Manager will perform a merge.