Using Workflow Builder

Using Workflow Builder


Workflows are scripted using macro notation, which is stored in a template. But working with this markup notation is not always simple, unless you are an advanced and experienced user.

Workflow builder visual editor is a graphical way to create custom workflows without using markup language.

You can

It is also an easier way to understand and communicate the document life-cycles within your organization, or when starting a new project with a customer or stakeholder.

Workflow builder will not support deprecated elements in legacy workflows. If this occurs, workflow builder will warn you and you will need to use the markup editor to update the workflow. 

How to Use Workflow Builder

Depending on the workflow scope i.e., global, space or page, you need different permissions to use workflow builder i.e., global admin, space admin or any page edit permission if page mode is enabled (see Page vs. Space Mode).

Workflow builder can be accessed for a workflow in:

  • the space workflows Document Management dashboard in space tools

  • the global workflows template dashboard in global administration

 If page mode is enabled then it can also be accessed on a page:

  • when adding and customizing a page workflow.

  • via the Edit with workflow builder option in the page action menu on a page with a page workflow added and applied.

The most common method of accessing workflow builder is through the space tools menu to use the space document management dashboard.

To use the workflow builder for space workflows, first ensure you have space admin privileges, then:

  • go to the space tools Document Management Dashboard in the space

  • choose the ellipsis menu for a workflow

  • choose Edit to open workflow builder

The details of the workflow are displayed as a visual workflow diagram and a list of workflow elements.

These two main panel sections of workflow builder are:

  • the Workflow Navigator (right side) contains the visual workflow diagram, button links to create or update the different elements of your workflow (e.g. workflow, states, parameters).

  • the Workflow Panel (left side) is contextual, so you will see one of two different views depending on what the task you're performing. You will either see:

Workflow Panel - workflow view

Workflow Panel - state view

Workflow Panel - workflow view

Workflow Panel - state view



Workflow view is displayed if you click anywhere on the white space in the right-hand workflow navigator panel background.

State view is shown if you click on any of the state lozenges in the workflow navigator panel or the state icons in the workflow panel.

Choose the workflow name to edit the overall workflow - workflow name, description, type of content to be applied to, add trigger markup or manage display of workflow popup progress tracker.

Edit page layout, workflow parameters or workflow read confirmation for the final state by choosing the appropriate icon/name.

You can drag and drop state names in this panel to re-order the states in the workflow. Any change in the list order will be reflected in the visual workflow in the navigator panel.

Choose the state name to edit the state name, description, status color, make the state a final state, add a due date or allow users to manually add tasks when in the state.

Edit or add transitions, approvals or tasks to be added by the workflow by choosing the appropriate icon/name.

For the state you want to view or edit, select the state lozenge in the right hand workflows navigator, and the left side panel will display the state information (such as name and description).

Edit the workflow details

Edit the workflow details by clicking on the top workflow panel area, where the details are, or by clicking on the Workflow button on the top of the workflow navigator panel.

This panel allows the visual editing of the workflow (the workflow macro)

  • the workflow description

  • content labels that are used to filter the content in the space where the workflow will be applied

Advanced Edit Workflow options 

Advanced Option

Workflow Editor


Markup added to workflow macro

Advanced Option

Workflow Editor


Markup added to workflow macro

Sticky labels


  • set labels that ONLY admin users can remove from content

Adding the sticky label simple


Admin users


  • add one or more users to be admin users for the workflow for example to allow specific users to remove any Sticky labels

Adding the user elle as admin user for the workflow


Content Type



  • check box to enable application of the workflow to page content

Blog Posts

  • toggle checkbox to enable application of the  workflow to blog posts content

Default is application of the workflow to both page and blog posts.

You cannot uncheck both Blog Posts and Pages at the same time. For example, if only Pages is checked and you wish to change the application of the workflow to Blog Posts you will need to check both before unchecking Pages.

Adding and apply the workflow to page content.

Unchecking Blog Posts will only apply the workflow to page content


Unchecking Pages will only apply the workflow to blog posts content


Note that there is no markup added for the default for application of workflow to both page as and blog posts.



Display Progress Tracker

  • checkbox to display the progress tracker in the workflow popup on the content

Update {status} macro when workflow state changes

  • option to allow the workflow to update the Comala Page Status macro (if the macro is added to the content)

If Display Progress Tracker is unchecked

... |progresstracker=false}

If Update {status} macro is checked

... |updatestatus=true}

The  status macro is the Comala Page Status macro NOT the Confluence  status macro


You can also copy and paste the markup for one or more workflow triggers (see below)


The current version of the Workflow Builder only accepts triggers by using the wiki markup notation. 

Open the advanced section when editing the workflow details, and add your wiki markup there.

Any triggers in the workflow are seen as Rules in the workflow panel.

Open Rules to see a simple overview of each trigger. 

Rules are not editable except by editing the added trigger markup.

For details of how to create triggers for the workflow please refer to the trigger macro.

Edit page layout

When in the workflow view you will see Page Layout with a number beside it, which indicates how many elements are already set.

These elements are

  • Page Header

  • Page Footer

  • Workflow Instructions

Choose an element to add, edit or remove.

Page Header


Page Footer


The visibility for the page header and page footer can be set according to different user permissions for the content:

  • all users who can either view or edit the content

  • read-only access users

  • contributors (edit and admin permissions)

Workflow instructions


Set workflow instructions will only be used when the workflow is applied in space mode.

The panels allow editing of the parameters for the following workflow macros:

Edit workflow states

When in the state view, by clicking in any state in the workflow navigator (right-hand panel), you will see in the workflow panel (left-hand panel) the state information. This will include details of the state due date, approvals, tasks and transitions (if present in the state).

You can edit the state details by clicking on the top workflow panel where the state details are, or by clicking on the State button at the top of the workflow navigator.


State view: the workflow panel (i.e. left side menu) changes when a state is selected (In Progress is selected in above), to display the state contextual menu.

Workflow builder allows the customization of all the state macro parameters: name, state indicator circle and lozenge color, description, due date and other advanced attributes and parameters:


Workflow builder in this panel is editing details for each individual state macro in the workflow.

Reorder the workflow states

Reordering the states of your workflow is now easier than ever. When in the state view you can see a list of the existing states in the left hand workflow panel.

Just drag and drop a state to a lower or higher position, and you will see how the diagram changes to reflect the new order.


When in the state view, the number of transitions, approvals and tasks are listed for the state.


View a list of any existing approvals by clicking on Approvals in the state panel area. 


Any existing approvals are displayed by name and appended with an approval icon.

Approval Icon

Indicates ...

Approval Icon

Indicates ...


Anyone can approve or the users who can approve may be limited but no one is preassigned and a reviewer is not manually assignable.

Anyone can approve is the default Reviewers setting when adding a new approval.


Reviewer(s) can be manually assigned using the workflow popup on the page or blog post.


Reviewer credentials are required for a user who is able to undertake the approval.


Reviewer(s) are preassigned (by the workflow on transition into the state).

Add or edit an approval

To add a new approval to the current state, click + Add Approval OR choose an existing named approval to edit.


Setting reviewers for an approval

Reviewers for an approval can be set in one of three ways in the Add Approval or Edit Approval panel in workflow builder.

The options are different for each Reviewers option button in the Edit/Add approvals panels.

Reviewers - Anyone can approve


In this option the approval can be configured so that a minimum number of reviewers must undertake the content review and agree for a transition to occur.

Reviewers - Limit who can approve and/or assign


This option will allow reviewers to be assigned. Choosing each Assignable reviewers option button will display any available further configurable options. 

Reviewers - Set all reviewers that have to approve


At least one user needs to be added to be automatically assigned for this Reviewers option to be added to the approval.

All the Reviewers options can also be configured in the Advanced settings for the approval.


Each approval can be set

  • to require credentials for a reviewer

  • to have a condition for the approval to become active

  • to allow roles to be added for reviewers.

Approvals can also be reordered just by dragging and dropping to a higher or lower position.


The order of the approvals will be the initial order they are displayed in the workflow popup on the page before any approvals are undertaken when no conditions are set for any of the approvals.

Further details of content reviews (approvals) can be found in the approval macro page.


In the state view you can set/edit the tasks that are added on a workflow transition into the state by clicking on the listed tasks in the workflow panel.

To add a new task, click on the + Task button on the top of the workflow navigator panel.


Tasks can also be reordered just by dragging and dropping to a higher or lower position.


Workflow builder uses the task macro to create and set the behaviour for workflow tasks.


When in the state view you can edit the existing transitions in the state by choosing on the Transitions option in the state panel.


Transitions in a state can be edited using the transitions editor.

A transition can be added by

  • choosing the type of transition

  • adding the destination state for the transition

The select transition can be added with more than one possible destination state. The destination state is for the transition is chosen from these added states using the workflow popup on the page.

More than one transition can be added to each state but a submit or select transition cannot be added to a state with an existing approved or rejected transition.


When in the workflow view you can edit the existing parameters or add a new one by clicking on the + Parameter button on the top of the workflow navigator panel.

Any existing workflow parameters added to the workflow are listed.

Choose a parameter to edit the parameter details or Add Parameter to create a new workflow parameter using the workflow parameter editor.

This feature uses the  workflow parameter macro - an example of a type of value reference that can be used in workflows.

Workflow parameters can be created to accept one of the following data types - text string; time period duration; Confluence user(s); Confluence group(s) or an option value from a list of set values.

Workflow Read Confirmation

read confirmation can be enabled in a workflow using workflow builder (or markup editor).

Workflow builder can be used to add a read confirmation to any workflow for the final state.

Editing the Read Confirmation

Clicking the read confirmation link will bring up the configuration options, including:

  • users assigned to read/confirm the page

  • user groups assigned to read/confirm the page

  • a due date indicating when read confirmation should occur by

  • allow a reviewer to decide to enable or disable the read confirmation on the approved transition to the final state


Read confirmations use the read-ack macro.

Markup editor

A workflow can also be edited using the markup editor.

To open the markup editor choose the { } icon in the right hand navigator panel.o

The markup for the current workflow in workflow builder is displayed.


  • in the markup editor automatically updates the workflow when viewed in the visual editor for the current workflow

  • in the visual editor automatically updates the workflow when viewed in the markup editor for the current workflow

Choose the workflow builder icon to return to workflow builder and view changes in the markup displayed in the visual builder.

Workflow translator for cloud


Workflow builder includes the Workflow Translator for Cloud option to support your migration to cloud available using the Translator button in the workflow navigator panel.

Not supported

  • Graphical trigger creation

  • The standalone comment macro is deprecated (use the description field of other macros to include extra contextual information)

Authoring using workflow builder