Workflow Builder
Workflow builder is used to examine and edit various aspects of a workflow. It is also a graphical way to create custom workflows without using the more complex markup language.
It can be an easier way to understand and communicate the document life-cycles within your organization.
Workflow builder can also be an effective tool when starting a new project with a customer or stakeholder.
Workflow Builder
In workflow builder
the right-hand panel displays a visual flowchart for the workflow
This is the Navigator panel
the left-hand panel displays the workflow components
This is the Workflow panel
the +/- magnifier buttons to zoom in and out of the Navigator panel
and, click and drag the flowchart to move it around the panel
The Workflow Builder is used to
edit the workflow including the workflow name and description and the type of content the workflow is applied to
edit, add, and remove state transitions, content reviews, and tasks
save a workflow as a new workflow template at space and global level (for users with space or global admin permissions)
The markup editor can also be accessed from the workflow builder navigator panel
Open the markup editor by using the { } button to toggle to the markup editor
The workflow translator for cloud option is also displayed if this feature is enabled in the global app configuration.
Workflow triggers
Triggers are added to the workflow in workflow builder visual editor by copying and pasting the trigger markup to the advanced option in the Edit workflow panel.
Workflow triggers are added as markup to the workflow builder visual editor or markup editor. Triggers cannot be created graphically using workflow builder.
Triggers are recorded and displayed in the workflow builder visual editor as Rules showing the type of event change and the related state.
Rules are displayed for information only. They are changed by editing the trigger markup for the rule.