Markup editor in workflow builder

Markup editor in workflow builder


The markup editor displays the macro markup for your workflow template. The workflow markup can be edited directly in the markup editor.

When editing a workflow

Access the markup editor in workflow builder

In workflow builder, choose the markup icon { } in the top right of the navigator panel to toggle from the visual editor to the markup editor.

The markup is editable and any saved changes will be reflected in the visual flowchart in workflow builder navigator and workflow panels.

After editing the markup, choose Save.

This overwrites the original existing workflow with the changes you have made. You made need to rename the workflow before saving.

Prior to saving the workflow, you can use the visual flowchart button option to view these changes in the workflow builder visual editor panels.

You can also view the saved workflow on the page without returning to the workflow builder panels by choosing Exit.

In both workflow builder visual editor and the markup editor the workflow may also be saved as a template. This can be

  • a space template to the space document management dashboard (if current workflow is a page workflow and user has space administrator permission)

  • a global template to the global workflows dashboard (if the current workflow is a space workflow or page workflow and the user has global administrator permission)

Markup errors

The editor will verify the use of markup elements when using the Save button.

Any incorrect elements, for example a missing required mandatory parameter such as a state name or invalid characters for a macro, will cause an error to be displayed when attempting to save the workflow.

Some errors in the markup do not necessarily generate an error. For example, a workflow parameter name added incorrectly.

Any changes to your workflow are recommended to be tested by applying to pages and/or blog posts.

Incompatible markup

When working in the markup editor some added workflow elements for complex workflows although valid may not be compatible with workflow builder visual editor. If this occurs an Invalid workflow Elements warning message will be displayed prior to confirming the changes or choosing to view the workflow in the workflow builder visual editor.

These errors may be due to use of deprecated elements in your legacy workflow.

Choose the See details option in the Invalid Workflow Elements box to view the highlighted markup elements identified as not supported by workflow builder.

See also

User Guide

Workflow Authoring Guide

Administration Guides