Utilities - space settings


The space settings document management dashboard displays all the workflows available in the current space. The dashboard has several utilities to help manage the workflows in the space.


In the dashboard, in addition to selecting a single workflow and making it active on all content in the current space, a space admin has several utilities for workflows in the space.

These utilities are used to

The Refresh Workflows and Clear Document Activity utilities are accessed using the space document management dashboard ellipsis menu


The Initialize States utility is only accessible for an active workflow. Open this utility using the workflow template Actions option.


The utility options allow you to configure the workflow application and the document activity for the content in the space.

To access the Reindex workflows and Clear Document Activity utilities

  • choose the dashboard ellipsis menu

Clear Document Activity is only enabled when there is an ACTIVE space workflow.

To access the Initialize States utility

  • choose Initialize States from the Actions options for the active workflow

Reindex Workflows

The option Reindex workflows of imported spaces should be used when you have imported your instance or space from cloud to cloud.

This is a final step required after importing to update the document states correctly for those pages that you have not visited yet.

There are some circumstances where you may need to reindex your workflows, for example, if your users report issues with workflow states  - document states may be shown as 'not initialized' in the Document Report and workflow history. Reindexing your workflows ensures that up-to-date workflow history is displayed for each document.

Reindexing workflows is only used for cloud to cloud migration. It is not required or relevant when migrating content from server or data center.

Clear Document Activity

The Clear Document Activity option deletes the workflow document activity of every single page and blog post in the space and resets the workflow state to the initial workflow state.

When a workflow is active in the space

  • open the space ellipsis menu

  • choose Clear Document Activity

This opens the Clear Document Activity dialog box.

  • choose OK, clear Document Activity

This action cannot be undone!

Initialize states

When a workflow is active in the space, set the space workflow to a specific state on the applied pages and blog posts

  • navigate to the Actions options for the active workflow

  • choose Initialize States icon

In the Initialize States dialog box

  • chose the State dropdown menu

  • select a state name to initialize the applied workflow state

When the checkbox Override preexistent states is not checked, the process sets the workflow state only for unprocessed pages.

  • check Override preexistent states to set ALL states in the space to the same state

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