How to add source code Checkout task in Bamboo job with Bamboo CLI

This article explains how to add a source code Checkout task in a Bamboo job using Bamboo Command Line Interface (CLI).


Use the addTask action to create a source code Checkout task in the Bamboo job. Refer to the following sample command:

--action addTask --plan DEMO-NEW  --job JOB1 --taskKey CHECKOUT --description "get source" --field selectedRepository_0=defaultRepository

In the above action:

  • --plan value refers to a Bamboo plan key.
  • --job value refers to the Bamboo job key.
  • --taskKey value refers to the Bamboo task type.
  • --description value refers to the task description.
  • --field parameter refers to a specific source code checkout configuration. Value selectedRepository_0=defaultRepository refers to the plan's default repository.
  • Additionally, --disable parameter can be used to disable the task, and --field cleanCheckout=true parameter can be used to force a clean build.

It is recommended to test it in a non-production environment, or run the action with --simulate parameter to verify the behavior before deploying.