How to add environment variables to a deployment project using Bamboo CLI

This article explains how to add environment variables to a deployment project in Bamboo server using the Bamboo Command Line Interface app.


Use the addEnvironmentVariables CLI action with deploymentProject and environment as the required parameters.

  • addEnvironmentVariables: Add deployment environment variables. Use the parameters field for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values.

To add the environmental variables to a project:

  1. Log in as a Bamboo administrator. Ensure you have the deployment project with environment defined.
  2. Navigate to Deploy > All deployment projects to view all deployment projects in the Bamboo instance.

  3. Select the required Environment and then Edit environment. For this example, Environment 2 > Edit environment is selected as follows:

    In this example, no variables are defined as for Environment 2 as shown:

  4. Execute the following command to add the environment variables:

    --action addEnvironmentVariables --deploymentProject DeployProject2 --environment Environment2 --field Inputfield1=InputValue1 --replace

The output on terminal is similar to:

Output on terminal
--action addEnvironmentVariables --deploymentProject DeployProject2 --environment Environment2 --field Inputfield1=InputValue1 --replace

Variable 'Inputfield1' added.
1 variables updated or added to environment.

To verify if variables are added, the output in Bamboo is displayed similar to:

  • It is recommended to test the commands in a non-production environment, or run the action with --simulate parameter to verify the behavior before deploying.
  • Ensure that the Bamboo Command Line Interface app is installed in your Bamboo instance.