
See also: Actions


Add a task to a plan job. A valid task key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: ANT, ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD, CHECKOUT, CLI_BAMBOO, CLI_BITBUCKET, CLI_CONFLUENCE, CLI_CRUCIBLE, CLI_FISHEYE, CLI_JIRA, CLI_SERVICE_DESK, CLI_SLACK, CLI_UPM, GANT, GINT, GRADLE, GRADLEW, GRADLEWRAPPER, GROOVY, INJECT_VARIABLES, JUNIT_PARSER, MAVEN2, MAVEN3, SCP, SQL, SCRIPT, SSH, VARIABLE_REPLACE. Use multiple field parameters to set required and optional fields specific for the task. Each task type may have unique fields that need to be determined from the respective UI panel. Missing or incorrect specifying of these fields will cause errors that are sometime hard to figure out. You can use a browser inspect capability to find the underlying field names and value requirements. Another, easier technique, is to create an example task in the UI and then use the exportJob action to see what ACLI has determined are the necessary fields. Use the @file special value to set the value of a field to the contents of the file (including standard input for -f "-") like '-a addTask --field scriptBody=@file --file script.txt'.

Required Parameters

plan, job, taskKey

Optional Parameters

description, disable, final, field, field1, value1, field2, value2, file, encoding





Output Formats

Replacement Variables


Since Version



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