Handling errors while updating more than 8 Bamboo build parameters

Problem statement

An error occurs while updating more than eight build parameters.

Action Command
--action queueBuild  --build "TEST-TES" --field1 "bamboo2"  --value1 "%customfield_10306%" --field2 "bamboo3"  --value2 "test" --field3 "bamboo4"  --value3 "one" --field4 "bamboo5"  --value4 "test" --field5 "custom1"  --value5 "ones" --field6 "bamboo7"  --value6 "12/2/2019" --field7 "bamboo8"  --value7 "admin"  --field8 "bamboo6"  --value8 "test" --field9 "bamboo10"  --value9 "test"

Error message 

Error Message
Error: Unknown flag 'field9'.
Error: Unexpected argument: bamboo10


VersionServer 6.3.0
ApplicationBamboo, Jira
App VersionRun CLI 8.7.0, Atlassian CLI 8.7.0


Bamboo CLI or Run CLI recommends setting only 8 build parameters (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8). Setting any more parameter(s) is causing the error.


Use fields parameter - a comma-separated list key: value pairs,  instead of using field1field2field3 parameters separately.

By running the command as shown below, you can execute more than 8 build parameters using Run CLI or Bamboo CLI.

Action Command
--action queueBuild --build "TEST-TES" --fields "bamboo2, bamboo3, bamboo4, bamboo5, custom1, bamboo7, bamboo8, bamboo6, bamboo10" --value "%customfield_10306%, test, one, test, ones, 12/2/2019, admin, test, https://www.google.com/, test"
Expected output
Build TEST-TES submitted with build number 11. Build key is TEST-TES-11